viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Testing methods

In this activity , each country group has to design an activity destined to other country group.  In the Spanish group we have to do a task for ITE group ( Italian and French). We did  this following framework:

Testing methods
Name of the activity
“Yo meto en mi maleta”
10-15 min
Materials needed
We do not need any materials.
Skills trained
(e.g. listening, speaking, reading, writing, communicating)
·         Memory
·         Listening
·         Speaking
Class organisation
(e.g. pair work, group work, etc.)
Two big groups.
Please explain in as much detail as possible
The class is arranged in two sitting circles. Firstly, the teacher says “I put into my suitcase a pencil”. Then, the next pupil must add another object to the sentence mentioning also the one which was said before. For instance: “I put into my suitcase a pencil and a rubber”.
In case they do not know how to say something in Spanish they can say it in English and the teacher will translate it. So they will learn new vocabulary and through repetition.
How can the activity be adapted to more skilled/less skilled pupils?
To adapt the activity to more skilled pupils we can say more complex sentences as well as non sense ones, which are more difficult to remember. For instance: “I bring my umbrella for not to be cold”.
Didactical considerations
What are the learning objectives (which linguistic forms do you teach)?
·         Learn grammar in an implicit way.
·         Learn vocabulary.
·         Develop listening skills.
·         Train the memory.

Made by  Ana, Carmen and Paula.

Afterwards,  we answered this questions:

 Were the two activities successful learning activities? Why?

Yes , because they learn some easy words related to objects or food.

What type of learner is the AL useful method for? And TPR?

We consider that in this case that it was easier than with others students, because  Italian and French is quite similar to Spanish. Our method ( AL) is destined to students who have a slightly more advance level that a beginner level, because you have to repeat and say what you listen.  In this case, we did gestures and repeating words. And we regard that TPR method is better for a easier level  because the teacher as well as students  used dynamic activity by using moves and body.

 What are the pros and cons of the two methods respectively?

Audio-Lingual method :  

             -  Pros . This method is a good way of learning  in order to improve your listening and memorizing skills because you have to be able to memorize what others said, and also to listen carefully.  Is a good option, if your aim is that pupils learn the names of objects that students can recognize and touch.

             -  Cons.  Perhaps, it could be more complex speaking and repeating words that you don’t even see. We think that it would be better for students if they write the word in a paper in order to be capable of remembering better.  A drawback could be that the pupils is not treated as an individual, the teacher doesn’t give him a personalized attention. 

Total Physical Response (TPR):

        - Pro.  In the case of young learners it could be the best choice to start a learning language because pupils learn by doing, they can associate words with body moves. In this way, they can learning by memorizing moves , and it is very useful for children that they cannot focus on task easily. For instance, using this kind of learning method the teacher can teach pupils basic words, not long sentence. It is based on what we know about L1 acquisition. It is motivating, fun for children. Krashen : “ silence period” , because the pupils feel that they just are listening not speaking. The “silence period” is is a stage in second language acquisition where learners do not attempt to speak. Silent periods are more common in children than in adult learners, as there is often more pressure on adult learners to speak during the early stages of acquisition.

       -  Cons.  As teachers you are limited due you can just use this method in a way, but when you want that your pupils learn about real social communication or how to keep a dialogue between persons it is much better if pupils learn through other methods.  It is based in commands, so the children has to know what means the sentence that the teacher is saying.

  Which language acquisition theory/theories in the AL  method used on and which ways? And TPR?

          -   AL is related to behaviorism
          -    TPR is linked with Krashen’s monitor model : is about receiving inputs. You make sure that it is the same level by making gestures. Because you have to ask pupil what they have to do, if they have to clap, or whatever. But if we are talking about correction, we could say that there is a immediately feedback because the teacher corrects pupils as the same time that pupils makes the error.

 Teaching a foreign language to young pupils in the very beginning of learning language procedure is quite complex, because students cannot understand when you are talking,  it is hard to carry out. So, for this reason, we think that the native language of these pupils can be used just sometimes, otherwise the lesson don't make sense.

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